Jack Foster

Horween Leather Watch Straps
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After working with other providers, Jack Foster was left disillusioned with search marketing and concerned for an inability to create new traffic and corresponding conversions. Jack Foster came to TWG looking to develop a brand and corresponding website that reflected the passion, attention to detail and bold look that its leather watch straps exuded, allowing them to connect with the enthusiasm of their target market.   [/col] [col grid=”3-1″]


A new brand story became the guiding beacon and from it came the sophisticated yet rugged look that makes up the new site today. A coordinated lifestyle photoshoot provided the necessary character and new product photography displayed the craftmanship of each strap. A deeper dive into the market provided a more targeted approach to search marketing and new social and email platforms have allowed Jack Foster to more effectively reach it’s passionate fan base.

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184% Increase in Monthly Revenue
210% Increase in Monthly Traffic
89% Decrease in Cost per Conversion
1072% Increase in Social Reach


Jack Foster Handmade Leather Watch Straps

Jack Foster Handmade Leather Watch Straps

Jack Foster Handmade Leather Watch Straps

Jack Foster Handmade Leather Watch Straps